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EMDR es un abordaje revolucionario el mundo de la terapia. Consigue resultados rápidos y eficaces. EMDR can help you Just as we have a digestive system capable of assimilating the nutrients we ingest, we have an information processing system , capable of assimilating the information contained in our experiences to continue adapting day by day. When experiences remain undigested they leave a "print" in the nervous system in the form of symptoms that end up governing our lives: post-traumatic stress . We can spend even a lifetime, holding onto tension, repetitive thoughts, anxiety or difficulties in our way of being or behaviour ignoring that they have an origin which is treatable. Nowadays, there are new and effective methods that can free us from its influence in the present. EMDR is a comprehensive approach to achieve it. How does EMDR work? Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms Corporals Emotional Thoughts Chest pain without cause Chronic back or limb pain Insomnia Headaches, migraines Bowel symptoms, irritable bowel Bruxism Autoimmune diseases Tics Loss of speech or voice Tremors without cause Feeling of loneliness Feeling of not belonging anywhere Anxiety Hopelessness Irrational feelings Overwhelming emotions Unsurpassed duels Fears/phobias Frequent mood swings/irritability Nightmares / night terrors Difficulty making decisions Difficulty concentrating Constant self-criticism Frequent confusion Memory problems Constant negative thoughts Negative thoughts about myself Behaviors Perceptions Difficulty saying “no” Difficulty making or maintaining friendships Sofering when I'm alone Perturbance when feeling closeness Frequent conflicts with others Addictions Eating disorders Manias or impulsiveness Hyperactivity Hurting myself Sexual difficulties Saturation or Burn-out Thinking that I want to end it all Feeling empty Feeling alien to everything or strange Visual, auditory, sensory or olfactory perceptions Feeling like I've wasted my time Feeling like parts of my body are unreal Feeling like the world is unreal Feeling my thoughts like voices that don't stop "The straw that broke the camel's back" One thing is what triggered the problem, another is the "origin" of the problem. Make an appointment A bit of history In the late 1980s, Francine Shapiro discovered a connection between eye movement and persistent disturbing memories. From this personal observation, she began to study this phenomenon and develop what became known as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Over the years, and in the face of initial skepticism, Dr. Shapiro's work evolved from a hypothesis to a structured psychotherapy process. What is now EMDR therapy is the result of many research studies analyzing changes during sessions, effectiveness in different pathologies, and effects on the nervous system. Francine Shapiro was the founding leader of the EMDR International Association, which includes more than 11,000 mental health professionals who use EMDR therapy in their clinical practice to treat a wide range of problems. Until her death in 2019, Shapiro promoted research on EMDR and the constant revision of EMDR procedures based on empirical data.
- TERAPIA EMDR | terapeuta EMDR en Cardedeu | Passeig del Canigó, 23, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, Spain
Terapia EMDR. La terapia de reprocesamiento y desensibilización de las secuelas del trauma psicoemocional. Make an appointment EMDR online Neuroscience and Psychotherapy for Trauma Integration Individual · Couple · Family On-line · Semipresencial Servicios Relief EMDR is a therapy that will help you balance your emotions and feel better from day one . You will be able to reduce suffering from sustained alertness, anxiety, grief, pain, overload, fatigue, guilt, anguish, feeling of emptiness, strangeness, insecurity, insomnia, interpersonal conflicts, among others. Comprehension With EMDR, you will experience a positive change in your beliefs about yourself and the world around you. You will feel coherence, calm and connection between your thoughts and emotions, which will allow you to resolve internal conflicts and overcome repetitive experiences. You will discover your ability to achieve it. Freedom You will be able to flow in the present with gratitude and inner peace, facing situations that you previously used to avoid. EMDR will help you get out of harmful situations and overcome their negative effects. You will regain energy and inner space . EMDR for health "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or illness" (World Health Organization) How can EMDR help me? Effective and safe The use of EMDR therapy has received the support of numerous international institutions that endorse its safety and effectiveness: American Psychological Association (APA; USA) World Health Organization (WHO) The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS; USA) Journal of Clinical Psychology , Vol. 58(1), 23–41 (2002) Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPSYCH; United Kingdom) Journal of Clinical Psychology , Vol. 58(8), 933-46 (2002) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA; USA) Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH; Canada) The British Psychological Society · ... The origin of EMDR Testimonials "I have discovered that my usual state was that of "surviving" by pure inertia, and that by dealing with the experiences that have marked me throughout my life, and that had silenced my self-defense voice, I recover a state of happiness and inner peace .” AJ
- Sobre mí | TERAPIA EMDR
Roque Peñalver, terapeuta EMDR con gran experiencia en psicoterapia y comprometido con la disminuir el sufrimiento y favorecer el desarrollo personal. About me Roque Peñalver Madrid Member of the Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Experience At the Pain and Dysfunction Unit at Bellvitge University Hospital in Barcelona, we specialise in treating people suffering from myofascial pain, migraines and bruxism. Often, these patients have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety or eating disorders . To achieve lasting relief from symptoms, it is important to address the root of the problem. For this reason, I have adopted a holistic approach to health and trained in various psychocorporal and psychotherapeutic approaches, such as the Alexander Technique, Posturology, Yoga and Meditation, Gestalt Therapy, Art Therapy, Relational Psychoanalysis, EMDR, IFS, EFT, among others. If you are looking for a psychotherapy professional with extensive experience, I can help you. With more than 15 years of experience in this field, I have accompanied personal growth processes in a wide variety of situations, from addictions to chronic illnesses and complex cases of child abuse and neglect , couples therapy or family therapy . Furthermore, as a healthcare professional, I can also help with phobias and anxieties related to healthcare intervention or psycho-emotional management of the disease. My approach is based on a comprehensive and effective model, EMDR therapy, which integrates the latest advances in neuroscience with the most widely accepted psychoanalytic theories. Training Health training Master in Rehabilitation, Pain and Craniomandibular Dysfunction 2003 - 2005 Bellvitge University Hospital University of Barcelona Bachelor of Dentistry 1998 - 2003 Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Murcia. Chartered Health Professional nº4766 (COEC) Psychotherapeutic training Expert in Clinical and Intervention in Trauma with Basic and Advanced EMDR (SEMPyP) 2020 - 2023 Official College of Psychology of Madrid Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Internal Family System (IFS) 2022 - present Free training (Dr. Richard Schwartz) Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) 2022 - present Free training (Anabel González) Master in Psychotherapeutic Applications of Artistic Practice 2009-2011 University of Barcelona Training in Gestalt Psychotherapy 2005 - 2009 Gestalt Institute, Barcelona Transpersonal Coaching 2004 - 2005 Coaching and Development Institute (ICD), Barcelona Expert in grief counseling. 2021 MAR Process by Carlos Odriazola
- Política de Privacidad | TERAPIA EMDR
Respetamos la privacidad de sus datos y la confidencialidad en todo momento. Privacy and Confidentiality Confidentiality Commitment In my practice as a Therapist, privacy is a priority. That is why I have created this Privacy Policy to explain to my patients how I collect, use, process and manage their personal data. This policy applies to both my website and my therapy sessions. If you have any questions or concerns about privacy, please do not hesitate to contact me. In my practice, I collect personal information such as name, age, email address, and medical history from my patients. This information is used to create a personalized treatment plan and to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the therapy. I never share my patients' personal information with third parties without their explicit consent, either before the start of the sessions, during, or even after the time has passed. Thank you for trusting my practice. Supervision by other health professionals At EMDR Vital by Roque Peñalver, we pride ourselves on our commitment to the privacy and confidentiality of our clients. However, we understand that in some cases, supervision by healthcare professionals is necessary. In these cases, we are committed to preserving the identity of our clients to ensure their privacy and security. Data protection Likewise, to access some of the services that Roque Peñalver Madrid offers through the website, you must provide some personal data. In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, we inform you that, by completing these forms, your personal data will be incorporated and processed in the files of Roque Peñalver Madrid in order to be able to provide and offer our services as well as to inform you of improvements to the Website. We also inform you that you will have the possibility at any time to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability of your personal data, free of charge by email to: or at the address: Passeig Canigó, 23 08459, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Barcelona). Legal notice regarding this website Roque Peñalver Madrid, with CIF/NIF number: 23015354J and address at: Passeig Canigó, 23 08459, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Barcelona), cannot assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information appearing on the web pages of: Within the limits established by law, Roque Peñalver Madrid assumes no responsibility for any lack of veracity, integrity, updating or accuracy of the data or information contained on its web pages. The content and information do not bind Roque Peñalver Madrid and do not constitute opinions, advice or legal advice of any kind, as it is merely a service offered for informational and educational purposes. The Roque Peñalver Madrid web pages may contain links to other third-party pages that Roque Peñalver Madrid cannot control. Therefore, Roque Peñalver Madrid cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other content included in this website are the exclusive property of Roque Peñalver Madrid or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, transfer, reproduction, storage or public communication in whole or in part must have the express consent of Roque Peñalver Madrid.
- Cómo funciona | TERAPIA EMDR
EMDR es un enfoque completo para la integración de las eperiencias complejas vividas durante las fases de desarrollo o las vivecias que nos han dejado secuelas psicoemocionales. How EMDR works 01 EVALUATION, REGULATION AND LIFELINE The assessment phase is crucial to understanding the client’s history and creating a personalized treatment plan. We also need to make sure to stabilize your most pressing distress and regulate your emotions before moving on to the application of EMDR. 02 LOCATION OF EMDR TARGETS The " targets " are the points of disturbance that we will focus on during EMDR therapy. These can be episodes, experiences or stages in your life, as well as thoughts that still trigger your brain and nervous system with symptoms of disturbance. It is important to have carried out a good assessment to identify these targets, as they are often not the ones we initially assume. I will prepare a report and a personalized intervention design for you , and together we will decide what the "targets" are. 03 EMDR REPROCESSING To achieve your goals, we will use the EMDR protocol, which includes the three types of Bilateral Stimulation (auditory, tactile and eye movements) at the right times and with the right words. Thus, I will guide you in the visualization and narration of the different aspects of your experience, which will allow you to experience a new sensation and perception of memory, of yourself and of your thoughts . In addition, you will notice how the symptoms become desensitized , all with security, confidence and well-being . Bilateral Stimulation Auditory Eye Movements Tactile Bilateral stimulation is a technique that consists of applying auditory, tactile or ocular stimuli in a rhythmic and alternating manner while speaking, following a rigorous work schedule to ensure its effectiveness. This technique is based on theories that explain its effectiveness, such as the activation of the brain's orientation reflex to resolve conflicts or blockages, the relaxation of the brain's amygdala to regulate the danger or alert response to threatening stimuli (talking about certain topics can feel like this) and the synchronization of brain areas for information processing, similar to what happens during the REM phase of sleep. It has been shown that the electrical activation of the brain changes very significantly before and after EMDR therapy: Normal activity after EMDR Excessive activity when activating the disturbance Servicios The 3 pillars of EMDR Desensitization In EMDR, we believe that emotional, psychological or somatic suffering originates from an "unhealed wound" that affects us deeply. Just like physical wounds, these emotional wounds can "hurt," but they can also rob us of vitality, joy, peace, love, and health. With EMDR, we can work on healing these wounds, even if we do not know their origin , to achieve the regeneration and healing necessary to recover our emotional health. Reprocessing An event can be considered traumatic when its emotional intensity is high and it also occurs at a time of vulnerability. In these cases, the experience may be poorly or poorly processed, which can lead to the adoption of limiting beliefs about ourselves and life in general. With EMDR, we can release trapped information and allow the brain to process trauma in a more objective and adaptive way. We start with the sensations in the body, apply EMDR and allow the brain to do its work . Release The goal is to reduce the emotional intensity associated with past experiences, releasing the energy you consume while maintaining "normality." Our brain finds a way to keep ourselves and our family system safe in the face of adverse circumstances, which is known as survival mode. However, when the danger no longer exists, our nervous system remains active, which can become a disturbance. By reprocessing with EMDR, a feeling of greater space and energy is generated within you . Complex events that we think we have overcome, those that we cannot remember or that we consider normal, can be the root of the disturbance.
- Contacto | TERAPIA EMDR
Pida cita mediante un email a, llamando o escribiendo un WhatsApp al 605554497. Contact Make an appointment Send me an email and I will reply as soon as possible: I accept the privacy policy Send message Thank you for your message! You can also call me or write me a WhatsApp at: (+34) 605 55 44 97 Call Carrer Joaquim Filba, 6, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor (Barcelona) Ubicación
- Términos y Condiciones | TERAPIA EMDR
Respetamos la privacidad de sus datos y la confidencialidad en todo momento. Terms and Conditions El presente documento (conjuntamente con todos los documentos en él mencionados) establece las condiciones por las que se rige el uso de este Sitio Web y servicio de terapia. Le rogamos que lea atentamente los presentes Términos y Condiciones y nuestra Política de Privacidad antes de usar esta página web. Las personas que acceden a este servicio de acompañamiento son conocedoras de que Roque Peñalver Madrid es profesional sanitario Licenciado en Odontología y colegiado en el Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Médicos Estomatólogos de Catalunya y que ha consultado la información académica específica en el campo de las terapias de acompañamiento psicoemcional que expongo en el apartado "Sobre mí" del menú. Tenga en cuenta que Roque Peñalver Madrid es un profesional sanitario Licenciado en Odontología y colegiado en el Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Médicos Estomatólogos de Catalunya, y que ofrece terapias de acompañamiento psicoemocional complementarias que no sustituyen a ningún tratamiento principal. A este respecto, antes de empezar la terapia, Ud. reconoce que: En caso de haber sido diagnosticado/a de patología mental es conocedor/a de las opciones que para tal fin tiene a mi disposición en los servicios de salud públicos o privados y que ha informado a su médico/a y éste/a no ha desaconsejado este acompañamiento. En caso de estar siendo tratado con psico-fármacos, o medicamentos de acción central, ha informado a su médico/a y éste/a no desaconseja este acompañamiento. En caso de estar en en tratamiento psicológico o psiquiátrico, ha informado su médico o psicólogo/a y éste/a no desaconseja este acompañamiento. El cliente/paciente de deberá ser mayor de edad y será responsable de aportar información veraz y lícita, garantizando la autenticidad de todos aquellos datos que introduzca en formularios o aporte durante las sesiones. El servicio para menores debe ser solicitado por adultos. Los menores de 18 años sólo podrán utilizar el acceso a bajo la supervisión de un padre o un tutor, exonerando a Roque Peñalver Madrid de la no veracidad en los datos aportados relativos a la edad. Estamos abiertos a recibir sus comentarios y sugerencias, así como a responder cualquier consulta, queja o reclamación que pueda tener. Por favor, no dude en contactarnos a través del correo electrónico . Además, queremos recordarle que como cliente/paciente, tiene derecho a desistir de cualquier servicio contratado y modificar el horario o día de su cita. Estamos a su disposición paraarle en todo que necesite. Le agradecemos por confiar en nuestros servicios de terapia. Queremos recordarle que, en caso de que desee cancelar o modificar una cita, es necesario que nos lo comunique con al menos 24 horas de anticipación a través de una llamada telefónica mensaje de WhatsApp o correo electrónico a . En caso de no cumplir con este plazo y no justificar una causa mayor, se deberá abonar el costo de la sesión y no se procederá a la devolución de los pagos recibidos. Esperamos seguir trabajando juntos para su bienestar. Atentamente, El equipo de EMDR Vital.